Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 5: Option B Chapter 12 Intro

When completing open-ended responses, remember to use RATE.


Consider the introduction to chapter 12:

If the queen bee were smarter, she would probably be hopelessly neurotic (irrational, anxious). As is, she is shy and skittish, possibly because she never leaves the hive, but spends her days confined in darkness, a kind of eternal night, perpetually in labor… Her true role is less that of a queen than mother of the hive, a title often accorded (given to) her. And yet, this is something of a mockery because of her lack of maternal instincts or the ability to care for her young. –The Queen Must Die

Response Requirement:
       Describe how this metaphor represents Deborah.
       How does this metaphor represents Our Lady in Chains/Mary?

1 comment:

  1. Deborah went through her marriage with T. Ray with depression. T. Ray was a jerk and drove her into a state of complete sadness. The darkness of the introduction is a symbol of her dark cloud of depression. Also, it mentions a lack of maternal instincts. It could be argued that Deborah also lacked these instincts considering she abandoned Lily. "So it was true. She did leave me." I know i could never live with someone like T. Ray.
    Our lady of chains can also be related to the introduction. She was locked up and chained in a dark place. However she could not be kept. "Again and again, our lady broke free." She could not be kept in the darkness. Our lady was like an eternal flame. She could not be put out or restrained. It is like when Houdini put himself in all these crazy situatuions and always found a way out. It is incredible.


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