Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Poetry Coffeehouse

Heroic Poetry Coffeehouse
Words mean more than what is set down on paper.  It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.
*Maya Angelou

How do heroes throw “life lines”?

ü Write a poem about a person who is a hero or your hero that lends itself to being read aloud and/or performed.
ü Practice performance
ü Present poetry reading to the class
ü Use a rubric to rate performance

Poetry Requirements:
ü Must cover appropriate material
ü A creative, research-based, heroic poem of 20+ lines
ü A separate paragraph explaining why the person is your hero.
ü Creatively display poem and the paragraph in a booklet/folder.

Poetry Presentation:
ü On the day of the coffeehouse, you will present your poem to the class by reading it aloud.

ü Poetry writing workshop
ü selecting a special individual in your life, explaining reasons why they represent a hero figure
ü Work on first draft (this is the only class period)

Friday 1/17/2014: Poetry Coffeehouse Reading!

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