Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Freedom Write: Due Nov. 2

Free Yourself.  Free Write.

“Freedom Writers” is an inspiring movie to anyone who sees it.  Regardless of what race you are, where you come from, or how much money you have, we all have stories to tell.

The Freedom Write is designed for you to tell your stories.  Your poems.  Your dreams.  Your past.  Your present.  Your future.  Your imagination.

School.  Sports.  Friends.  TV.  Songs.  Family.  Likes.  Dislikes.  Books.  Reflections.  Remarks.  Plays.  Poems.

It’s not a diary; it’s a collection of your life experiences.  This marking period, we would like you to reflect/address one or all of the following first marking period words:

Human Freedoms    Unlock    Discovery   Self-Expression   Family   Unity   American Dream

You’re a teenager.  You matter.  Make this assignment matter.
Get to it.

PS- You’ll be graded for doing the work, but not for the contents of it.  All you are asked to do is to do all of it by the deadline.

Your first entries are due on Friday, November 2 as a Writing grade.  You are responsible for turning in a minimum of seven handwritten full composition pages or five double-spaced typed pages.  Make sure you NUMBER and DATE each of your entries!!!

·        (4/4) Complete (all full pages)
·        (3/4) mostly (short 1-2 pages)
·        (2/4) somewhat (short two pages)            
·        (1/4) barely (short more than two pages)
·        (0/4)nothing turned in

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