Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Letter To Parents

As we start the second marking period, I wanted to give you a quick overview of where we have been and where we are going academically.

I am pleased to inform you that most students are making a beautiful transition into 8th grade’s expectations.  While assessment scores may be disappointing for some, students are training for a lifetime of analytical and critical skills.  Assessments encompass understanding, applying, analyzing, and evaluating trains of thought in relation to curriculum and the modern world.  As their “brain training” moves along, assessment styles will become more predictable (if you will).  Following most assessments, students review their assessment and self-assess their areas of strength and weakness, which are addressed in a multitude of ways in the days following.

During the second marking period, we will study and explore two texts, The Diary of Anne Frank and Heroes.  The themes are “Tenacity of the Human Spirit [in Holocaust times]” and “Freedom from Demons in Disguise.”  The units are fascinating and eye-opening on many levels.

This week, students will submit a self-reflection of the first marking in which they identified: a) their overall feelings about the first marking period, b) their work ethic (and a way to improve), c) a second marking period goal (and how to achieve it), d) their favorite activity/book/assignment.  As marking period grades become finalized this week, I encourage you to discuss these goals and plans with your child.

I will also assign this marking period’s Freedom Write, one entry which explore the “big ideas” of the marking period.   Continue to check the blog for class calendars, assignments, “extras,” and audio files of text.  There are many ways to stay both on top of work and ahead of the game.

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