Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Freedom Write MP4 (given out after NJASK, but you can get a head start)

Free Yourself.  Free Write.
Due: Friday, June 6

This marking period, we would like you to reflect/address one (or all if you run out of topic ideas!) of the following “big ideas” you’ll encounter throughout the second marking period.

·         How society treats people with disabilities
·         Love
·         The importance of being educated
·         The dysfunctionality of families
·         The ways in which a person can be considered “smart”
·         Greek mythology
·         Being yourself vs. changing yourself
·         “the grass is always greener”
·         Medically altering ourselves
·         Human rights

Your very first entry must reflect a topic from the list.  This way, you’ll get it out of the way and won’t forget to address it (as happened a lot during the first Freedom Write).

You are responsible for:
·       Handwritten composition pages: 10
·       Typed, double spaced, size 12 font pages: 7

Each entry is required to be dated and each page numbered.

·        (4/4) Complete (every line of each page filled, except for skipping a line between entries)
·        (3/4) mostly (short .5 or 1 page)    
·        (2/4) somewhat (short two pages)         
·        (1/4) barely (short more than two pages)
·        (0/4) nothing turned in

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