Thursday, September 12, 2013

Human Freedoms Mural

Human Freedoms and Rights Mural
Grade: Class work/Cooperative
Assigned: Thursday, 9/ 12    Due: end of class Friday, 9/13
·         Develop a human freedom/struggle mural as a team


·         Select a human freedom addressed in Tuesday’s introduction to the curriculum theme

·         Explain a human freedom in your team mural

·         Apply illustrations, quotes, collages, newspaper headlines, etc. to build upon your selected freedom

·         Prepare a poster based on the theme

·         Divide up each task so that each person’s work is represented.

1.     Illustration(s)
2.       A quote (You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy my body, but you will never imprison my mind. –Mahatma Gandhi)
3.       Newspaper headlines related to the topic with date of publication (example: SRI LANKA: Lanka becomes freedom from torture's top country of origin for referrals)
4.       Statistics (The 41 percent of respondents who said torture is rarely or never justified are outnumbered by the 47 percent who said it is always or sometimes justified. From: )

With your team:
1.       Review the 30 human rights and freedoms.
2.       Select one as your mural theme.
3.       Each person will be responsible for one aspect of the mural.  (See student and street examples.)
1.       Develop your piece of the mural.
2.       Help each other.
3.       Research headlines, quotes, etc related to your topic.

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